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Laboratory of the advanced studies on an order
"My Thesis work"


     Our laboratory was created in 2006 with the purpose of "facilitation life" of future graduating students of Institutes of higher, and similarly candidates and doctors of sciences. We give high-quality services in writing of all types of the advanced studies: from the abstracts of thesis, reviews and articles, to the term, diploma papers, candidate's and doctoral thesis works. Doing the order of the advanced study exactly here, you guaranteed get an unsurpassed and exclusive intellectual product with the checking of quality and level of plagiarism system, requirements to which no less than 80 % to originality. We provide complete accompaniment of all executable works up to the result of defense, be that term paper, or dissertation on the competition of graduate degree of humanitarian and technical sciences.

     Besides implementation of standard types of the advanced studies on an order, such as, term, diploma paper or dissertation research, we render the followings types of services similarly:

   - writing of abstract which is required at preliminary examinations in post graduate;
   - selection (formulation) 3-5 theme of thesis work researches, in accordance with the passport of specialization, and similarly taking into account actuality of theme on a few nearest years;
   - it is drafting of the detailed plan (structures) of thesis work, with description of basic directions of researches;
   - preparation of ground of theme of thesis work research which consists of: actuality of theme and general description of problem, purpose, partial tasks, scopes and research methods; expected results and directions of their practical use; сstructures of thesis work;
   - selection of the recommended literary sources on the already ratified topic of research, grant of list of the before protected thesis work on an alike theme;
    - writing of abstract of thesis, scientific article in accordance with the requirements of higher attestation commission, reviews on the article, theses to the conferences, round table;
   - delivery of electronic copies of the protected dissertations from the Russian state library and National library of V.I. Vernadskiy (Ukraine);
   - publication of articles of candidates for a degree in the specialized printing and the internet of edition, ratified higher attestation commission.


     All works are executed experienced professionals higher class with a graduate degree not below than candidate of sciences. Fruits of the results of years of honed skills in writing research papers at your service. We observe principle of transparency of co-operating with authors, they can be accessed directly. Scientific labors of top grade are accompanied online support and legal cleanness of transaction. On Your desire on all works an additional guarantee is given as the celled two-sided agreement.
     At writing with of all advanced studies a specialist the enormous number of the both handwritten and electronic versions of thesis works, monographs, books, fresh statistical information, analytical material is worked over. For this reason the executed advanced studies differ, the highest quality, actuality and exclusive.


     In the process of co-operating with the laboratory of the advanced studies “My Thesis work” you get the integrated service of complete accompaniment of the booked thesis work, or separate writing of abstract of thesis, abstract, scientific article, term, diploma paper with which it will not be ashamed at protecting.

   Sincerely, staff of the laboratory  "My Thesis work".


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